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    {{line.originalPrice / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
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    {{pricingTotal / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
  • Taxes and fees
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Sound Proof Studio/Cinema with Green Screen #103

Entire photo studio in Los Angeles

Photo / Filming Studio
1,550 sq ft

Ideal uses

Photo Shooting

About this space

Our production studio/cinema is a large, high-ceiling space with standard amenities at your disposal. On our curtain rail, we house three different colored backdrops (blue and black) that can easily be swapped and the wall behind the curtain rail contains a full-length green screen.

The space also contains a huge cinema-standard projection screen originally built for a top Hollywood Studio company. The room was built with sound baffles covering most of the walls and ceiling, so while it ...

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Air Conditioning


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Minimum rental:
1 day

How Storefront works:
  1. Send a request to the owner with no commitment to pay.
  2. Ask questions and visit the space. We're here to help when you need it.
  3. Book the space as easily as a hotel room.
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